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Why use degressive reading glasses?

Degressive glasses, complementary glasses for wearers of progressive lenses

Degressive reading glasses, also called proximity glasses, mid-distance or depth-of-field glasses, are the result of innovative glass technology. Indeed they make it possible to rediscover a clear and sharp vision over several distances:


Whether you have always had good vision from afar without glasses, whether you are nearsighted, farsighted or have mild astigmatism , around forty no one escapes presbyopia !
Often, the first discomfort is felt when returning from vacation: when the light decreases, after summer or following a sudden fatigue. Suddenly, you can no longer read the newspaper, restaurant menus or notices just by holding them at arm's length.
Don't panic, it's normal and natural!

Reasons, causes and solutions for presbyopia


You are over 40 years old, and maybe you noticed that when you read a newspaper, a book or your phone, you had some difficulty distinguishing the letters clearly? This is due to the appearance of a vision disorder . More precisely the presbyopia !

To be sure, it's very simple! 

Choose your sunglasses wisely!

Summer is well and truly here with its long sunny days. Despite all its benefits, the sun can also have harmful effects, sun protection is required.
Just as we coat our face and body with sunscreen, it is essential to protect our eyes with

World Day for Safety and Health at Work

Every April 28th is World Day for Safety and Health at Work. This day is recognized by the International Labor Organization (ILO) and aims to promote the prevention of work accidents and occupational diseases.

This day not only pays tribute to the victims of work accidents and various occupational diseases, but it is also an opportunity for companies, unions, governments and prevention organizations to raise awareness among employers and employees about the importance of safety and health at work .

Protect yourself from eye allergies!

Spring is coming and with it beautiful flowers! these make the eyes happy for some but for others they are synonymous with eye irritation, dryness or allergies.

  • What is an eye allergy?

eye allergy is a abnormal reaction happening at eye level. When in contact with an often foreign substance.

Spring and eye irritation

The first long weekend of spring has just ended. For 4 days we rediscovered the benefits of the sun, the wonder of the flora that flourished and we strolled through the countryside, the city, the sea or the mountains.


The myopic eye

Myopia is a visual abnormality identified since antiquity by Aristotle. This is refractive disorder more common in the world . Some ophthalmologists even speak of a global epidemic: according to a study conducted by the University of Canberra (Australia) 90% of young students in developed countries in Asia are myopic against 30% in the 70s. This phenomenon is found all over the world, in the USA the population of myopes has increased from 25 to 45%.

The heatwave explained by Varionet

What is the heatwave?

A heat wave is defined as a level of very high heat during the day and night for at least three consecutive days . The definition of a heat wave is therefore based on two parameters: heat and duration.

What are the risks associated with the heat wave?

If you are exposed to high heat for too long you risk severe fatigue , dehydration or heat stroke , see hyperthermia .

The most fragile people and those most exposed to heat are particularly at risk .

Myopic and presbyopic, possible?

Many believe that myopia is the most common visual defect; but this is not the case even if it could become so in 50 years with the epidemics of myopia linked to the use of smartphones. In a general way there population is farsighted but this defect less embarrassing than myopia is little diagnosed, the farsighted person generally suffers only from visual fatigue. But after 45 years myopic or farsighted everyone becomes presbyopic !

Visual fatigue affects the work of employees

Visual disturbances at work

8 out of 10 employees say they feel visual discomfort and eye disorders at work . Headaches, dry eyes, neck stiffness, glare and visual fatigue are the various symptoms. Many of them take up to 5 breaks per day to rest the vision. Of the more than alarming figures which endanger the eyesight of employees as well as the economy of companies.

5 tips and tricks to relieve tired eyes

Tired eyes, what is it?
Many people complain of eye fatigue, of having heavy, tired eyes. Several reasons could be the cause: lack of sleep, allergies or too much blue light . So we can look dejected and have swollen eyes, which shoot, which scratch like the feeling of the presence of sand in the eye!
One of the best remedies to soothe your eyes is a good night's sleep and, why not, a little nap!